Choosing the Topic


Choosing a Topic

What is a current problem you notice in the world? It can be anything, but for this paper, it must be something you are very familiar with, and it needs to have clear CAUSES so you can offer SOLUTIONS to remedy the issue.  

For example:

  • ·       Influx of Americans in Florida after the pandemic (infrastructure is not in place for the surge)
  • ·       Out of state drivers should have to pass a Florida driving test within 60 days of moving into Florida (transferring a license from another state does not create safe driving conditions for Floridians)
  • ·       Unruly children are allowed in stores, but dogs are not allowed (often kids are nastier and meaner than dogs)
  • ·       Code Enforcement citations for grass length (less frequent mowing benefits the environment)
  • ·       Christians get too wrapped up in commercialism (distorts purpose in life and causes confusion for children during Easter and Christmas)
  • ·       Children are too easily cast off to daycare instead of family members (lack of family unity creates personal and community issues)
  • ·       Animals are not treated well before they become a food source for humans (free range simply means existing in a large, dirt pen in a barn with little light or ventilation)
  • ·       A government administration that believes that energy derived from electricity is better than energy that comes directly from fossil fuels (Most electricity is made by burning fossil fuels—it is simply different, not better.)

You will not choose a historical issue.  You will not choose a huge issue that will take more than 5-7 pages to assess and propose solutions for.  You must have a very narrow topic.  It must be clear.  It must be specific.

If you are unsure, send your professor a quick note with your THESIS statement (what you want to assert) to get approval.  

NOTE: the THESIS will address the issue and your specific proposed solutions to remedy the problem.


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