Sentence Starters for Argument Essay Introductions and Conclusions

Ideas for Starting Sentences
Argument Writing
ENGL101, All Essays

Sentence Starters for Argumentative Essay

Other Ideas:
Introduction of Evidence
1.      “Some people may argue…”
2.     “A possible concern is…”
3.     “A common counterpoint is…”
1.      “For example, they contend that…”
2.     “Those who believe… say that …”
Discussion of Evidence (Rebuttal)
1.      “That is an understandable concern, however…”
2.     “This argument is wrong because…”
3.     “Although some people think… others understand…”
4.    “The evidence, however, overwhelmingly supports the argument that…”

Content from this handout was modified using Sentence Starters for Argument Essay handout.  The original document was provided to The Study Library to assist students with writing.  You can find the original document at this address  Content approved for download and usage 10.26.2018.

© 2018-23 by Jeanette L. H. Dick
Sentence Starters for Argument Essays


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