A General Assessment Rubric

This rubric will help students understand some of the basics that their instructors will be looking for in their academic writing. 
While every institution and instructor will have slightly different aspects of writing that they focus on for student writing, the primary goal will remain the same…
  1. follow a logical structure, 
  2. adhere to the required writing format (MLA, APA, or Turabian), and 
  3. use scholarly sources (when called for) to defend arguments within the paper.

Be sure to click on the links in the rubric below for additional information to guide your writing into its correct form prior to submitting your work for review.

Focus with the Writing
Papers exhibit evidence of ideas that respond to the topic with complexity, critically evaluating and synthesizing sources, and providing an adequate discussion with a basic understanding of sources.
Papers either include a central idea(s) that is unclear or off-topic or provide only minimal or inadequate discussion of ideas. Papers may also lack sufficient or appropriate sources.
Documents and paragraphs exhibit identifiable structure for topics, including a clear thesis statement and topic sentences. The transitions within sentences, paragraphs, and the entire essay must flow in a higher-level, academic, and mature way.
Documents and paragraphs lack clearly identifiable organization, may lack any coherent sense of logic in associating and organizing ideas, and may also lack transitions and coherence to guide the reader.
Documents use persuasive and confident presentation of ideasstrongly supported with evidence. At the weak end of the satisfactory range, documents may provide only generalized discussion of ideas or may provide adequate discussion but rely on weak support for arguments.
Documents make only weak generalizations, providing little or no support, as in summaries or narratives that fail to provide critical analysis.
Documents use a writing style with word choice appropriate to the context, genre, and discipline. Sentences should display complexity and logical structure
Documents rely on word usage that is inappropriate for the context, genre, or discipline. Sentences may be overly long or short with awkward construction. Documents may also use words incorrectly.
Papers will feature correct or error-free presentation of ideas. At the weak end of the satisfactory range, papers may contain a few spellingpunctuation, or grammatical errors that remain unobtrusive and do not obscure the paper’s argument or points.
Papers contain so many mechanical or grammatical errors that they impede the reader’s understanding or severely undermine the writer’s credibility.

Content compiled by J. Dick
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For Educational Purposes Only, 2019


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